Madison Joy

 This post has been a long time coming... our baby girl is 7 weeks old already.
Madison graced us by coming 8 days before her due date and she gave us a 2017 tax credit too! 😁

The birth was more intense than I could have imagined but it went perfectly without any issues. Madison Joy came to this world on December 29, 2017 at 10:55pm at 6lbs 2oz.

From that moment forward, our lives have been forever changed and I cannot imagine a day without her. She has been our greatest joy- which is how we ended up choosing her middle name. 

 While life has been a little busier with her, I have gotten back into working for Remember Nhu and started slowly adding in some of my previous hobbies too. (like sleeping and eating. lol)

 She has grown leaps and bounds- she was averaging a pound a week for a few weeks at the beginning! She is now starting to not just see, hear and be with us, but look, listen, and interact with us. At 2:30am last night when I woke up to her fussing, I got her up and she was all smiles to be with mom. Those are the moments that make all the sleepless nights worth it.

People told me that I would understand God's heart better when I had my own child. They were right. I have never felt such complete love for someone who desperately needs me. My heart aches when she's upset and I want to protect her from evil forever. I also want to see her choose to do what's right and to be successful and strong. I pray more than ever that I can raise her to understand who God is and how He wants her to live.

Baby girl, YOU are the future generation that we pray will stand for what is good and right and true.

But for now, may time stand still as you sleep peacefully in my arms...


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