Why am I asking other people for money?

Don't we live in America where if you work hard, you make money, and therefore provide for yourself? If I work hard for my money, why should I give it away to someone else?

Those are all questions I have asked myself, and I'm sure you have asked when you hear about me raising support for working for Remember Nhu. I hope that this give some clear answers to these questions.

So why am I asking you for money?
Remember Nhu has chosen since the very beginning to have staff (including the founder and board members) raise their own support instead of paying them to work for the ministry. The reason why is multi-purpose.
First, they want people to know that when you give to a specific aspect of their ministry, it all goes directly to that cause. Whether it's building a home, sponsoring a child, or helping fund a staff member, that money goes to what you want it to. It's a simple format that breeds transparency.
Second, at Remember Nhu, we believe that each staff member should be called to their job by God's leading.  Raising your own support helps clarify if you are doing this for the right reasons. The process of asking people to be involved financially in your personal life can be an uncomfortable, but confirming, process. I would not go through the process of asking other people for money unless I could truly stand behind the ministry and the job.

A missionary used be known as someone who sold everything they had, went to the farthest reaches of the earth, and learned a foreign language/culture in order to tell someone else about Jesus. While God still calls people to be a missionary in this way, the definition of missionary has expanded beyond that. We have discovered that often times, more effective work can be done by local people who know the language and culture. At Remember Nhu, all of the houseparents are local Christians who felt called to serve the children of their country in this way. I truly believe this is why their organization is so effective- each country runs a bit differently but meets the true needs of the child.
However, in setting up a system where locals do the front line work, there is a need for staff to come alongside and help organizationally overseas and in the states. We can do awareness and fundraising work. We can organize the children's stories and information so that people can connect with their sponsor children. We can facilitate the ability for groups to travel overseas to the children's homes and be a part of a project. I personally will be working with the child sponsorship side of the online database. Remember Nhu has grown exponentially this year in the homes and children they have added that they are in serious need for more help in this way.

So why should you personally support me?
My short answer is that you should support me if you feel God prompting you. And I do mean that. Please don't give out of obligation or an emotion.
My long answer is that God knew what He was saying in Luke 6:38 when He says "Give to others, and you will receive. You will be given much. It will be poured into your hands-more than you can hold. You will be given so much that it will spill into your lap. The way you give to others is the way God will give to you."

I don't think God was saying that if we give our money away, He will give us so much money that we won't know what to do with it. I believe He was talking about something much more long-lasting and eternal. When we give of our time, energy, love, forgiveness, and yes, even our money and resources- we are the ones who gain. Justin and I have given in a number of ways- one of them being financially to various ministries, missionaries and people in need. We give to people because God prompts us- sometimes it's not explainable or even logical. What always stems from financial giving is a mindset shift on the world. It brings about compassion and awareness from what's going on outside of our world and our needs. We have often been motivated to action on top of financial giving. Whether that's going to Thailand and learning about Remember Nhu, or having a missionary over for dinner to talk about what God is doing in the location they are serving in. I would venture to say that our lives have actually been changed due to the way we give of our money. If that sounds like crazy talk, it probably is. But then again, the Bible has been known to say some things that seem pretty backwards to the american dream.

Now to finish up this long rant, I don't believe God will call everyone to give me money, but I do believe He will call some of you to partner with me in this way. I hope that I can be a good steward of your money and keep you involved in what God is doing through Remember Nhu. I hope to give you opportunities to participate in trips, projects, and specific children over the coming years. I don't have any intention to take your money and then drop off the face of the earth. God has asked me to be a missionary and participate with Remember Nhu on a staff level, but He has also called some of you to partner with me financially. If you are open to that, I truly believe God will open your mind and heart to what He is doing around the world in a new way and bless you with seeing specific lives changed.

Lastly, here's the nitty gritty of my financial needs broken down.
We decided if I'm working 20-30 hours a week and being a new mom that we may need to bring in some supplemental income to help us balance work and personal life better, possibly in the form of a friend helping with childcare from time to time.
 Taxes, retirement, and medical are just an unfortunate, but necessary, part of this world.
Ministry expenses are for Justin and me to travel to a Remember Nhu country every few years at least. We want to stay involved on a personal level so that we can continue to be passionate about their cause and updated on what's going on. Tithing is important to God and so I will be tithing at least 10 percent and plan to give that to Remember Nhu and our home church.  And there you have it! (and here's a graph of my finances because graphs are fun and interactive. ;) 

To support me, please print and fill out the form I am putting on this blog titled "Ways to support Breanna Henrick" or communicate with me directly and I can email or mail it to you! Thank you!



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