The final countdown is upon us...

 The final countdown is upon us... Madison could be born whenever, although it will likely be at least 4 more weeks.
Today I saw a picture of me from a couple years ago and realized there was a time in my life when I didn't look and feel like a beached whale! ๐Ÿ˜† That being said, I wouldn't trade any of this; it's truly been a very special journey.

Justin and I have already been blessed by Madison and her presence in our lives- I can only imagine that feeling will grow as she joins us earthside.

 Life circumstances have been tumultuous for us recently, but Justin and I have fallen deeper in love with each other and our precious daughter growing inside of me. Our relationship with the Lord has taken a very real and tangible form, and there's not a day that goes by that we don't praise Him for His mercy and faithfulness to us.  

We were able to have an ultrasound at 36 weeks and it was such a bonding moment for me especially. It sometimes just feels like I'm pregnant with something that kicks and punches me constantly; it's easy to forget there is a living, breathing miniature human inside of me. When I saw her chubby little cheeks and button nose, I fell in love.

Madison looks healthy and happy. She's in a good position with good fluid levels; it's just a waiting game at this point for what day she decides is her birthday. I'm still hoping to make it until 2018 for her to be born, but we will see what actually happens!


Regardless of what day it is, one thing is for sure: this pregnancy journey is almost over and we are about to enter the next stage of life: parenthood. Ready or not, here we come! 

Children are a gift from the LORD; they are a reward from him. (Psalm 127:3, NLT)

Photo credit to Grace King ๐Ÿ’•


  1. Love each and every picture! Hoping the last few weeks of pregnancy go smoothly for you and can't wait to hear that little Madison is here!

  2. The photos turned out beautifully...I really love them! Thanks again for letting me come to the ultrasound last was an amazing experience for me! I love her already...and always will.

    1. I’m so glad you could come! Madison is so loved! ❤️


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