I'm going to be working for Remember Nhu!

Can you picture a flooding river? Now picture a pile of sandbags. Rather than one person running back and forth trying to build the wall, it would be way more efficient if a number of people formed a chain and worked together. This is what Remember Nhu is currently doing; people from all over are choosing to partner with them in a variety of ways, and stop the flood of child sex slavery through prevention

A number of years ago, when I had started travelling overseas, it was brought to my attention the huge atrocity of child sex trafficking. Human trafficking is the world's fastest-growing criminal enterprise; approximately 1.2 million children are being sold annually with a death rate of 3 years or less in the trade. It is a trade that is never satisfied and is continually growing because of its high profit and low risk. Justin and I have spent time discussing and researching this issue of human trafficking, wondering what the most effective solution would be. Shortly after getting married, we heard Carl Ralston, the founder of Remember Nhu, speak at an event. When we heard his genuine heart and the wisdom God had given him, we knew that we would be involved long-term with Remember Nhu and the work they were doing. 
Their primary focus is ending child sex slavery through prevention. 
They are one of very few organizations doing prevention work, and the results have been staggering. By identifying at risk children in villages, they give those children an opportunity to enter a Remember Nhu's children's home and instead of being sold, their physical, educational, emotional, and spiritual needs are met.
 By doing this, they are literally stopping child sex slavery, before it even happens, one village at a time. 
Remember Nhu currently has 75 homes in 13 countries, where they have helped over 1,700 children to date. (To learn more about prevention work and how Remember Nhu is so effective, please read this: https://remembernhu.org/prevention/)

Last year, we were given the opportunity to travel to Thailand with Remember Nhu. We spent a week learning and celebrating the exciting things taking place within the organization. In our personal travels in Asia, we saw firsthand the horrors of the sex trade and how easily poverty can lead to desperation, even to the point of selling your own children to survive.  This gave us more clarity and wisdom, and fueled the fire of passion to help prevent sex trafficking. God put on my heart specifically that now was the time to quit my current job and pursue something new. I pursued going on staff with Remember Nhu in early summer of 2017 and was given the job title of "Child Sponsorship Coordinator". 
I will be working from a home office approximately 20-30 hours weekly and be using my organizational skills to facilitate better communication between sponsors and the children. Not only will this require direct communication with sponsors, but also a lot of organization and behind-the-scenes work done on their online database. Remember Nhu has experienced a massive growth in the amount of homes/children/sponsors they are working with, so you can imagine how needed this role is.

In a world where children are being treated like property and sexually dehumanized, we at Remember Nhu are compelled by the Agape love of Christ to dream of a world in which this kind of travesty no longer takes place, working passionately and joyfully toward that end. We are committed to helping children all over the world, regardless of country or background— because we believe that every child deserves to grow up happy, healthy and free. Moreover, we believe we are part of a redemptive story in which God is inviting us to partner with Him in protecting children, and we are inviting others to step into that story with us.

Would you consider partnering with me in this story? This story is so much greater than me and how I am going to be specifically involved. It is an opportunity for you to join a chain of people, passing those sandbags, and actually putting a stop to the flood of child sex slavery, one village at a time.

Justin and I will be hosting awareness/informational meetings for anyone interested in learning more about sex trafficking and Remember Nhu. While I am looking for champions to prayerfully and financially support me, my goal is also to raise awareness and help people understand what is going on around the world. While the evil can seem daunting, there is so much joy and hope as well. When you commit to getting involved in one child's life, it doesn't just stop with that child. Through that child, you change their future, and in turn the next generation.
When we participate in something outside of ourselves, it gives clarity and vigor to life and eternity. Amidst the American dream which lies in so many of our hearts, there is the rightful desire to be known and to make an impact. What better way than to change the next generation through preventing child sex slavery and replacing it with educational/mental/spiritual/emotional stability, one child at a time.

Feel free to communicate with either Justin or I about any questions or thoughts you may have- we would love to hear from each of you! Also, check out www.remembernhu.org for videos and more information about the organization. 
Lastly, if you would like to financially support me, contact me and I can email or physically mail a form.

 ~ Breanna Henrick
Cell: 503-991-2374 (call/text)
Remember Nhu website: www.remembernhu.org


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