There will always be poor people...

"Perhaps one of the greatest emergencies of our generation is the reality that 1.2 million children are being trafficked into the sex trade each year. That’s more than 2 children every minute of every day."

I don't know about you, but when I read those sentences, my brain shuts off and I start thinking about other things. I think about anything that distracts me from pausing and taking that information in.
 We do this for a couple of reasons. The first reason we tend to shut down is as a coping mechanism. If we allow ourselves to take in all the evil in the world, the reality of the suffering people are enduring, we will become emotionally exhausted. We know we can't fix all the world's problems, so in an effort to preserve our emotional stability and sanity, we shut out what we know we can't do anything about.
The second reason is something hiding beneath the surface.
 We shut down because that is the tactic of the devil to push us towards apathy and inactivity.
 If he can get us to live our american dream with a couple of kids, a dog, a nice house, and then keep our focus on those goals, then he has succeeded.

 This tactic of his is highly effective. Justin and I have seen it happen in our own lives. We've gotten so wrapped up in our retirement goals, having nice things, spending our spare time with friends and family... basically focusing on the temporary pleasures of this world that disguise themselves as wisdom and success.

While there is nothing sinful about the american dream, it often doesn't allow for us to stop and think about things like child sex slavery (or insert any human suffering that is going on in the world today).
If we were to stop and ponder what God might ask us to do about an issue He has brought to our attention, there are pretty good odds that He would ask us to sacrifice something, and give until it negatively affects our "american dream".
 I have a hunch that if we could talk to Jesus in person and ask Him what He wants us to do, He probably would quote the Bible. He might even simply quote James 1:22 where it says:
 "Do not merely listen to the Word and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says."
We know what the Bible says about meeting the needs of others; it's written all throughout it.  One of the more profound verses about meeting others' needs is found in the Old Testament. It says in Deuteronomy 15:11 that
 "There will always be poor people in the land. Therefore I command you to be openhanded toward your brothers and toward the poor and needy in your land."

There will ALWAYS be human suffering, there will ALWAYS be needs to be met, there will ALWAYS be people who are less fortunate that us. God doesn't say to shut it out and ignore it, but rather, He commands us to be openhanded.

People often say that they wish they knew God's will for their lives. While I understand this frustration of just wanting to know the specific direction He desires for you, I think a lot of times we don't want to do the things we see spelled out clearly in His word, such as taking care of the orphans and widows. I wonder if we started doing the basic things we know He has already commanded, if the specifics of our lives fall into place.
I believe if your heart and mind are open to God speaking to you, He will lead you to give to the right ministries, the right people. We must be generous, but also wise, in how we give. Not everyone is who they say they are, and we do not want to give our money and energy to those who will abuse it. This topic leads me to one of the ministries I trust with my money, time and energy- Remember Nhu.

One of the biggest tragedies in our world today is that children who do not have a voice are being trafficked, often sexually, for others' personal gain. This tragedy is huge, over 1 million children per year. It seems daunting and unrealistic to try and put an end to this, but I assure you, it is possible to make a difference.
 Justin and I believe that the work that Remember Nhu is doing is the most EFFECTIVE way to do this.

Why do we think they are accomplishing the most effective work? 
Compare these models:
This first one is the typical method we see in regards to sex trafficking- intervention. While intervention is necessary and important, you can see why it is not the most effective in putting an end to trafficking. The trafficker simply replaces children who leave the system, and the high rate of children who return to the trade later is discouraging to say the least. The innocence of a child is stolen away and can never be returned.  

Now compare that with Remember Nhu's method which is prevention. This model allows us to protect the innocence and future of the child. It shuts down entire villages to sex trafficking. It actually breaks the generational cycle by giving children an opportunity for an education and to raise their future children differently. Most importantly, most of the children in Remember Nhu homes come to know Jesus, they share Jesus with their families, who in turn share Him with their village. Through this model, entire villages are coming to know Jesus and have a hope and a future as their children are being educated and loved.

To read more about how Remember Nhu is preventing child sex slavery, check out their page:

To give a brief update on my current involvement with Remember Nhu:  I have been officially a staff member for one month now and have thoroughly enjoyed every moment of it. I have been able to help update their database with new pictures for children that are being sponsored or who still need a sponsor. I am also communicating with sponsors/potential sponsors about their children. We've been doing a lot of letter collecting to send the children for the Christmas season. It's an exciting time of growth for Remember Nhu in which there is a lot of work to be done, but the work is fruitful and multiplying. There's nothing else I would rather spend my day doing than being a part of a team that is preventing children from EVER entering the sex trade.

While I love what I do, I am actively praying for more people to join me as financial partners as I am currently lacking in that area. I believe God will provide for all our needs, and often He does that through other people like you. If you would like to start supporting me monthly, there is a link in black letters at the top of the blog that says "Partner with Breanna". If you click on it, it will take you directly to Remember Nhu's website and my specific staff page where you can easily walk through the steps to support me. Would you please pray about partnering with me in this way?
 If you have any questions or thoughts about prevention, partnering with me, or anything else that this post prompts in your heart, please feel free to email me at


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