A letter to my daughter
Baby girl, I was SO sure
you were a boy, but you shocked me! I'm guessing that this won't be the last
time you take me by surprise.😘
know the story:
your dad and I had an ultrasound the beginning of the week and had
decided we
would wait until that weekend at our gender reveal party to find out if
you were a boy or girl. My suspicion was that you were a boy, but
I truly didn't care either way. I knew daddy didn't care either,
but he had recently seen a picture of a baby girl with a headband bow
and his
heart melted. He told me that we would buy ALL the bows if you were a
way he already loves you has melted MY heart.💗
At the ultrasound
everything looked perfect; you had 10 fingers and 10 toes and my pouty lips.
The ultrasound technician then told us to look away if we didn't want to know the
gender. You know your dad is stubborn and had to look! He didn't expect
the gender to be written all over the screen, but it was! 😄
So we leave the
ultrasound and dad knows if you are a boy or a girl, but I don't. How did that
work out?! I was a little irritated at him, but decided to wait until the gender
reveal to find out anyway. All week he had me convinced that you were a boy. It
just felt like he talked about you being a boy and he didn't mention anything
about buying bows. He is so bad at secrets that I thought there was no way you
were a girl and he was keeping that a secret!
I told people that I
was 98 percent sure you were a boy, but it was that 2 percent that was eating
me alive.
What a special moment I
will never forget and I will always hold close to my heart.
The days that followed
brought so many emotions. I immediately bought little hospital hats that had
BOWS on them for daddy of course! Everything started to feel real and sink in
that this pregnancy was going to actually bring about a tiny little human. We had created a little
girl to name, to snuggle, and to put bows and dresses on. It was an exciting
and blissful time for me and daddy.
It hit me that not very
long from now, I would be holding the hand of a girl who would one day look to me to see
what a woman should be like. I feel inadequate and overwhelmed. It feels like
so much pressure as I'm still trying to figure out who I want to be as a
I have a lot of dreams
and hopes for you as you grow up in this crazy world. Some of them don't
matter and aren't important, but there are a few that I want you to
I pray that you always
know that you are a gift of God. Not only to us, but to Him as
your heavenly Father and to the people around you in life. He has chosen you to be in this world for "such a
time as this". You weren't an accident or a mistake. God purposed that you
would be born to us at the exact time you were.
That means your
future is ordained and a gift for you to explore and discover. Only you decide
the type of person you will be, and how much you will impact this world.
I also pray that you
will always be a strong fighter; a warrior. This world is full of weak people.
They are weak physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Choose to be
I think daddy and I secretly hope you join us
in weight lifting to become strong physically, but we will let you choose your own
version of strong and healthy. 😉
When you push yourself physically and choose healthy life habits, you will grow your mental and emotional capability as well. You must be self-disciplined and determined to stay healthy. You can be as strong as you want to be, have as thick of thighs as you want (odds are they will be thick whether or not you want them to be, so might as well embrace them! 😜, and be as determined as you want to be physically. It will only fuel a passion for life and it will bring you an inner strength as a woman to know you are capable and motivated.
This world gives us a lot of stereotypes of what a woman should and shouldn't look like.
All you need to do is to find a way to live a healthy, balanced and capable life, whatever that looks like for you.
When you push yourself physically and choose healthy life habits, you will grow your mental and emotional capability as well. You must be self-disciplined and determined to stay healthy. You can be as strong as you want to be, have as thick of thighs as you want (odds are they will be thick whether or not you want them to be, so might as well embrace them! 😜, and be as determined as you want to be physically. It will only fuel a passion for life and it will bring you an inner strength as a woman to know you are capable and motivated.
This world gives us a lot of stereotypes of what a woman should and shouldn't look like.
All you need to do is to find a way to live a healthy, balanced and capable life, whatever that looks like for you.
You must be strong
emotionally and mentally.
The stereotype of a woman is to be emotional, moody,
shallow, and focused on material things. Throw that stereotype far away and
instead embrace being intellectual, stable, driven, and unmoved by
circumstances. There will be hormones, frustrating circumstances, and hard
days: rise above them. Be a strong fighter. (You can always cry and vent to me
though- odds are I've been there and get it)
Baby girl, never ever
stop fighting to be strong spiritually.
Your mom and dad both know how hard the
world pulls us away from Jesus and eternal things, but keep swimming against
the ordinary. Keep your heart soft towards Jesus and towards other people.
is more important than anything else you could desire on this earth.
Lastly, here's a list
of life instructions that your dad and I strive to live by:
Never stop learning.
Be strong enough to
realize that you need Jesus.
Never think you "have arrived".
Always stay humble.
Don't judge anyone by
what you see externally. Everyone has an untold story that shapes who they are.
Don't nag, complain, or
gossip. Instead use your words to encourage and lift up.
Fear keeps people in
bondage. With God's help, say NO to fear.
(That being said, never
ignore the healthy fear, the instinct that tells you to "get
out/leave/stop right now!")
Drink more WATER.
Read the Bible with intention and passion.
is always someone going through a darker trial and pushing themselves
harder than you. Pity parties are a waste of time and get you nowhere.
Stand by the
convictions God has given you, but be open to hearing and learning from other's opinions and ways of
Eat your veggies and take your supplements, but never pass up blueberry pancakes. (Okay, that's your
pregnant mom cravings speaking.😊
Listen more than you
talk. Ask people questions about their lives. You will always learn something that
you can apply to your life.
If God places something
or someone on your mind and heart, don't ignore it.
Don't ever let tomorrow's worries rob you of today's joy.
If someone needs you,
rearrange your schedule and throw out your to-do list for them.
Give generously.
Admit it when you are
wrong or you messed up. Be quick to apologize, ask for forgiveness, and make amends.
God will give you dreams and goals- don't ignore them, but hold them close to your heart and work towards them, even if they take years to accomplish.
God will give you dreams and goals- don't ignore them, but hold them close to your heart and work towards them, even if they take years to accomplish.
Care more about relationships
than things.
Hike at least one
mountain in your lifetime.
Be compassionate and kind.
Be strong.
Be better than your mom
and dad.
Be like Jesus.
My precious daughter, please bear
with me as I stumble through being a first-time mom. I'm sorry that you are our
"guinea pig" child; hopefully you survive and still love us in 18
years. :)
I love you more than
words can say.
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