
Showing posts from December, 2018

Happy Birthday, Madison Joy!

Baby Mads, One whole year. I can't believe you've already been here for a whole year. It feels like just yesterday that we were at the birth center, in disbelief that you had decided to come early. You were so tiny, sweet, and perfect.  It took us a week to decide on your middle name, and now that you are older, it's so clear why we picked it. Madison JOY, you have made this year the best year of our lives. I don't think I've ever had a happier season of life.  You have smiled at us during some dark days and given us a reason to smile through the tears. You have been an example of God's faithfulness and goodness.   You have literally been God's grace in our lives. God knew we needed our hearts needed you.  I think our favorite thing about having you for a daughter has been watching you with other people. It's like you can sense when someone is having a bad day or is feeling lonely. You get grumpy, gruff