
Showing posts from September, 2017

A letter to my daughter

Baby girl, I was SO sure you were a boy, but you shocked me! I'm guessing that this won't be the last time you take me by surprise.😘 You know the story: your dad and I had an ultrasound the beginning of the week and had decided we would wait until that weekend at our gender reveal party to find out if you were a boy or girl. My suspicion was that you were a boy, but I truly didn't care either way. I knew daddy didn't care either, but he had recently seen a picture of a baby girl with a headband bow and his heart melted. He told me that we would buy ALL the bows if you were a girl.  The way he already loves you has melted MY heart.💗 At the ultrasound everything looked perfect; you had 10 fingers and 10 toes and my pouty lips. The ultrasound technician then told us to look away if we didn't want to know the gender. You know your dad is stubborn and had to look! He didn't expect the gender to be written all over the screen, but it was! 😄