
Happy Birthday, Madison Joy!

Baby Mads, One whole year. I can't believe you've already been here for a whole year. It feels like just yesterday that we were at the birth center, in disbelief that you had decided to come early. You were so tiny, sweet, and perfect.  It took us a week to decide on your middle name, and now that you are older, it's so clear why we picked it. Madison JOY, you have made this year the best year of our lives. I don't think I've ever had a happier season of life.  You have smiled at us during some dark days and given us a reason to smile through the tears. You have been an example of God's faithfulness and goodness.   You have literally been God's grace in our lives. God knew we needed our hearts needed you.  I think our favorite thing about having you for a daughter has been watching you with other people. It's like you can sense when someone is having a bad day or is feeling lonely. You get grumpy, gruff


Prevention . It's vital to our well being in every area of life. Health, relationships, mental and spiritual strength... it all takes consistent prevention efforts or we will be trying to fix issues that are often too big to ever repair. This is why I've chosen to stand behind two organizations who specialize in prevention work; one is local, the other is global. I wanted to take a little bit of time and share who they are, what they do, and my current involvement with them. Most of you know that I am involved with Remember Nhu which is an organization that focuses on ending child sex slavery through prevention . While I know they aren't the only organization doing prevention work globally, I will say that they are the only ones I've personally come across so far in my researching and interactions overseas. Some organizations (such as International Justice Mission) do some prevention work, but Remember Nhu is unique in that it's ALL they do. 


Passover is right around the corner.   This year, Justin and I are attempting to observe each of the biblical feast days. The first few have been fulfilled in Jesus' death and resurrection, but that doesn't nullify the beauty or significance of them. Just as Easter is a way we remember and rejoice in Jesus rising from the dead, I hope you can see the deep meaning and joy we can find in Passover and the consecutive feasts.  To set the stage, I want to give a brief overview of the first three festivals ordained by God for the Israelites to observe. The first feast commanded in the Bible is Passover , which was to be celebrated on the 14th day of the first month (according to the Hebrew calendar).   The very first Passover took place when Israel was in bondage to the Pharaoh of Egypt. They knew God had promised to make them into their own nation, but yet here they were 430 years later, still in slavery. God spoke to Moses and told him to lead His people out of Egy